Gobliins II

Submitted by: Kurt Gustafson (kgustafs@aol.com)

-----------------------Solve for Goblins II ---------------------------------
                           - Created by Kurt Gustafson -
Cast of characters:
Winkle - The crusty goblin
Fingus - The nicer goblin

Scene 1 - Village
W - Use sausage
F - Get bottle (Behind old men while they are laughing at W)
Go to Fountain (To the right)

Scene 2 - Fountain
F - Use fountain (Water pours out in a stream)
W - Use bottle on water (Water fills the bottle)
Use bottle on toad (W wets the toad and it leaps away)
Get stone
F - Use door (Talks to wizard)
W - Use door (Talks to wizard, changing story)
F - Use stone on chimney (It is thrown in, but comes back out)
Use stone on mechanism (It knocks down a ladder rung)
Get rung (It becomes a ladder)
W - Climb up (While Fingus is holding it)
Look window (Wizard chokes Winkle)
Use chimney (Jumps down into the wizard's house)
Wizard gives in and allows entry

Scene 3 - Wizard's house
F - Talk to Tazaar
Use bottle on kettle (pours water into the kettle)
W - Use tail of rug (rug roars, opening mouth)
F - Use head (while rug's mouth is open, gets matches)
Use matches on kettle (heats water, steam peals wallpaper)
W - Use kettle (Blows out the flame)
Get spring key
F - Use spring key on cuckoo (Winds the cuckoo clock)
Use cuckoo clock (It begins to cuckoo)
W - Use stone on big key (It's on the cuckoo, so timing is essential)
Get big key

Scene 4 - Fountain
F - Use big key on cellar (Opens door)
Get wine
Go Village (To the left)

Scene 5 - Village
W - Use bottle on flowers (W waters flowers which grow)
Get flower (W picks a flower)
F - Use flower on Notable (he sleeps)
W - Go to platform (The brown square)
F - Use switch (The switch activates the square)
W - Get sausage
Go to giant (Top of the screen exit)

Scene 6 - Giant
W - Get chicken (Winkle begins to choke it)
F - Use sausage on chicken (Wham, chicken lays egg)
Get egg
Use sausage on pot hole (Whacks dog)
W - Walk past dog (While dog is distracted)
Go to hole (W pops through opening a burrow)
F - Use burrow
Use egg on fire (Smell of egg wakes giant)
Talk to giant (He's thirsty and hungry)
Use wine on giant (He drinks)
Use sausage on giant (He eats)
Leave scene now that giant allows Winkle and Fingus to pass.

Scene 7 - Trench
Walk to Kael (Southwest corner exit)

Scene 8 - Kael
W - Use bottle on nymph (she drinks and flies up into branches)
Use bottle on kael (he drinks and allows W to climb him)
Use kael (He tosses W up into branches)
Use branch (Shakes a flower loose which is stolen)
F - Climb on stone (Where the dude is stealing the flower)
W - Use branch (Shakes another flower loose, Fingus gets it
and is propelled up on the tree)
F - Use flower on stone (Drops it into the bee hive)
Use stone (A bee comes out and drops honey)
W - Use stone (A bee comes out and hovers)
F - Use bee (Fingus climbs on bee which delivers him to
branch holding nymph)
Use honey on nymph (She shows where the magic mushroom is)
Get mushroom
W - Use door (Winkle stares down Vivalzart)
Use mushroom on vivalzart (Vivalzart allows entry)
Go to door

Scene 9 - Vivalzart
W - Use jar (He pulls out a worm)
Use mushroom on machine (Puts mushroom into the bowl of machine)
F - Use machine (Starts it up. Creates potion, potion stuck)
Go to platform (Underneath the vulture)
W - Use switch (Fingus is launched and attacked by vulture)
Use worm on vulture (Throws up a worm for vulture, F gets meat)
F - Use meat on piranha (It eats the meat spitting out the bone)
Get bone
Go to trashcan (Fingus sits atop the can)
W - Give bone to Vivalzart (Vivalzart throws away the bone, launches F)
F - Get kindness elixir
Get clothes pin (The potion now is unblocked)
Use bottle on container (Fingus drinks potion and warps out)
W - Use bottle on container (Winkle drinks potion and warps out)

Scene 10 - Musicians
W - Use headlight (Gets a drumstick)
Use drumstick on stocking cap (Becomes a net)
F - Use spring (A pump begins to fade in next to drummer)
W - Use headlight (While Fingus is jumping on spring. A pump!)
F - Use clothes pin on hose (Left side of screen. Pinches off hose)
Go to hole (Fingus ends up above sax player)
W - Use pump on saxaphone (Out comes a mosquito)
F - Use net on mosquito (When it is buzzing near him. He grabs it)
W - Use spring
F - Use spring (Must both use it a the same time!!! Opens
A door from the back pressure)
W - Use door (Winkle pops up near guitarist)
F - Use hole (Fingus ends up above sax player)
W - Talk to guitarist (Guitarist begins to play. Note floats up)
F - Use net on note
W - Use mosquito on headlight (The mosquito buzzes drummer, who beats)
F - Use net on note
W - Use hole (Winkle ends up above sax player)
F - Use pump on saxaphone (Saxaphone blows notes)
W - Use net on note (Now have a melody)

Scene 11 - Tom
F - Use melody on lowest hole (Clock is now melodic)
Use stone on ball (Ball falls down and grabbed by kid)
W - Walk to house where kid is
F - Walk to upper house (When kid appears again. Fingus walks up
behind kid and grabs the ball)
Use ball on bb player (He shoots a basket. Ball bounces on rim)
W - Use basket (While the ball is bouncing on rim. It goes
into town hall, causing mayor to appear.)
F - Talk to mayor (He explains where the clockmaker lives)
Use clockmaker's house (Out comes the clockmaker)
Talk to tom (He gives Fingus an hourglass)

Scene 11 - Trench
W - Use tower (Out comes a bomb)
F - Use tower (Out comes another bomb)
Use lower bomb (Fingus picks it up)
W - Use matches on bomb (Winkle lights it, Fingus tosses at rug)
F - Get upper bomb
W - Use matches on bomb (Blows up guard)
F - Use tower
W - Get upper bomb
F - Use matches on bomb (Blows up rug again, it settles near mage)
Use carpet (Carpet rises and Fingus talks with mage)
Use hourglass on trench (Forms a bridge of sand)
Use opening (In side of castle)
W - Use opening


Scene 12 - Guards
F - Get mayonnaise
Go to Forge

Scene 13 - Forge
F - Get stool
W - Use mayo on Focus (Focus eats, taking mind off of meat)
F - Use stool on meat (Fingus steps on stool and snags meat)
Go to guards

Scene 14 - Guards
F - Use meat on Amiodal (He gets false teeth)
Put mayo down near Gomelon
Go to roof
Use mayonnaise (Jumps off roof and sprays Gromelon with mayo)
W - Get sword (While Gromelon is being sprayed)
Use rustik (He tickles Rustik who throws knife, startling
F - Get gum (While Stalopicus' mouth is open from Rustik)
Use gum on cupboard (The gum imprints the key)
Go to Forge

Scene 15 - Forge
F - Use imprint on blacksmith
Use sword on blacksmith
W - Use stool on Otto (Otto gets angry and swings lance)
F - Use lance (While Otto is getting angry. Fingus is
swung over above the bellows)
Jump on bellows (Heats up coals, blacksmith makes a key)
Talk to blacksmith (He gives Fingus the key)
Get anvil
Go to Guards

Scene 16 - Guards
F - Use key on cupboard (It opens)
Use cupboard (Gets a diving suit)
W - Use cupboard (Gets another diving suit)
Go to Well

Scene 17 - Well
W - Use tunnel (Winkle pushes button which opens door in
the side of the monster)
Use hatchet (Winkle lifts hatchet, reveiling a switch)
F - Use switch (While Winkle is lifting, opens door)
F - Use tunnel (Pushes button, monster's mouth moves)
W - Use door (While the monster's mouth is moving. This
scares Schwarzy)
F - Use stool on hoist (Connects the rope to Schwarzy's belt)
W - Use false teeth on Scwarzy (Schwarzy is startled and lets go of rope
This causes him to be hoisted down)
F - Use anvil on Schwarzy (Schwarzy falls further, reveiling well)
Use Diving suit-1 on well (Down he goes)
W - Use Diving suit-2 on well (Down he goes)

Scene 18 - Wreck
W - Use door (Causes skull to fall down)
Walk to center mast
F - Use lantern (Lamp fish swims out)
W - Get lamp fish (When it swims near)
Use lamp fish on ??? (The dark area, reveils a chest)
Go to Mermaid

Scene 19 - Mermaid
F - Use hole (Just left of the bars, Appears at top)
W - Use shell (Winkle tosses the shell upwards)
F - Get shell (When it is near)
W - Use hole (Winkle appears at top left)
F - Use stool on seahorse (Fingus mounts seahorse)
Use cavity (Fingus frightened, causes hand to come out)
W - Use shell (Winkle traps walking hand)
Get shell (Winkle recovers glove and starfish)
Go to Wreck

Scene 20 - Wreck
W - Use lantern (Moray eel appears)
W - Go to clam shell (Climbs atop the shell)
F - Use rudder (Causes fish to swim, Moray eel chases, and
clam shell opens, launching Winkle upwards)
Use starfish on chest (Starfish opens the chest reveiling sword)
W - Use statue (Launches Winkle up, he grabs the sword)
Use sword on skull (Skull falls, dislodging a diamond eye)
Get diamond
Go to Mermaid

Scene 21 - Mermaid
F - Use seahorse (Fingus goes up)
Use glove on blob (Blob's eye is covered by the glove)
Use bottle (Fingus gets a parchment)
W - Use seahorse
Use bottle (Winkle gets a pearl)
Use pearl on mermaid (She accepts it)
F - Use diamond on mermaid (She accepts it and replaces pearl and
diamonds for her eyes. Two bars go up)
W - Get glove
Get stool
F - Use parchment on octopus (Octopus hears Fingus' plight and allows them

to pass. The last two bars go up)
Exit through door

Scene 22 - Storeroom
F - Go to Throne

Scene 23 - Throne
F - Get pepper
Go to Storeroom

Scene 24 - Storeroom
F - Use swordfish (Fish's tail whacks Fingus, dropping salt)
Get salt
Use cover (Lifts cover reveiling a man)
W - Use salt on fellow (He is pleased and give Winkle a file)
Go towards left rope
F - Go towards right rope
Use right rope (Fingus grabs the rope)
W - Use left rope (Winkle grabs rope and jumps down, this
lifts Fingus up)
F - Use file on chain (Frees the bird and allows passage to tacks)
Get thumbtack
Move near cook
W - Use pepper on meatball
Move to upper platform
F - Use tack on case (When the cook is threatened.)
W - Use kind potion on meatball
Go to Throne

Scene 25 - Throne
W - Use stool on cornice
F - Use hand (Winkle's outstretched hand)
Use switch (Opens door)
W - Use door (Have to do this quickly!)
Use ear (Walks to other side)
F - Use ear
W - Use tongue (While Fingus is inside the head! Causes F
to pop out of eye and cockroach to emerge)
F - Walk down to hole (Looks like a lady bug)
W - Use oriface (Distracts guard)
F - Use glove on hole (While W is distracting guard.Gets cockroach)
W - Use ear (Goes to other side)
Use switch (Door opens)
F - Use door
Use ear
W - Use ear
Go to Armor

Scene 26 - Armor
W - Talk to painter
F - Push stone (Launched up on tower)
Use helmet (Opens reveiling displaced king)
Talk to king
Talk to scientist
Get feather (It's on top of the suit of armor)
Use feather on can (By the painter. Wow, a paint brush!)
Use cockroach on hole
Use brush on cockroach (It's beginning to look like a lady bug)
Use kind elixir on cockroach
Use pepper on cockroach (Yup, it's now a psuedo-lady bug.This causes
Aminoak to go away)

Scene 27 - Throne
F - Use ear
W - Use tongue (When Fingus is inside head. Cockroach!)
Use oriface
F - Use glove on hole (Gets cockroach)
Use cockroach on hole
Use kind elixir on cockroach (When guard eats it, he becomes kind)
Go to Armor

Scene 28 - Armor
Buffoon - Use machine
W - Walk under machine's nozzle
F - Walk under machine's nozzle

Scene 29 - Map
Note: B = Buffoon

F - Get match
W - Use keyhole (Roach falls)
F - Use handle (of knife. Must coordinate these two moves!)
W - Use point (of knife. Must coordinate these two moves!)
F - Use handle (of knife)
W - Use point (of knife)
F - Get bookmark (Knife cuts bookmark)
Use bookmark on candle (Form wick for candle)
W - Use match on eye (Eye falls out)
B - Use eye (Buffoon kicks eye, it breaks the eyeglasses)
W - Get glass shard
Use glass shard on ray (of sunlight)
Get wax
Use wax on seal (It imprints as a key)
Use imprint on keyhole (It opens, seed falls out)
Get seed
Use seed on village (It's on the map! A beanstalk grows)
W - Use plant (Climbs down stalk)
F - Use plant (Ditto)
B - Use plant (Ditto)

Scene 30 - Village
W - Use hole (In tree, causes bean to fall)
Get bean
Use stone (Mole pops out)
Use bean on mole (Mole fights Winkle for bean)
F - Get cap (On mole's head)
W - Use match on apple (He whacks an apple out of the tree)
F - Use cap on apple (Fingus gets the apple)
W - Use apple on hole (Winkle pulls Buffoon out of tree)
Use mushroom (Yummy. Lucy in the sky....)
F - Use mushroom

Scene 31 - Toys
F - Use pins (Out comes the bowling ball)
W - Use right star (Jumps on bowling ball, capturing it)
Use ball on lid
F - Use flagstone (Flings Winkle and ball up, dislodging pin)
Use pins
W - Use right star (Gets bowling ball)
Use ball on lid
Move to lever
F - Use flagstone (Ball falls, launches Winkle up by Buffoon)
W - Use feeler (A bubble is blown)
Use bubble (Slides down resting on lid of box)
F - Use flagston (Shoots bubble & Winkle up. Winkle lands on
the umbrella)
W - Get safety pin
Move next to the lower star
F - Use pins
W - Use star (Get bowling ball)
Use ball on lid
Go to lever
F - Use flagstone (Launches Winkle up by Buffoon)
Go to other flagstone (Below the Buffoon, right of bubble maker)
W - Use flagstone (The one that is up by him. Launches Fingus)
Use switch (Buffoon falls into circle)
F - Use feeler (When Buffoon is in the circle. Buffoon is
now in the bubble)
W - Use pin on bubble (Bubble pops, frees Buffoon)

Scene 32 - Mountain
F - Use stone (He lifts it with effort)
W - Use stone (While Fingus is raising it)
F - Use stone
W - Use stone (While Fingus is raising it)
Go to lion (Jumps on lion's head)
F - Use stone (Fingus throws stone from high up. Winkle is

W - Use head (Pushes head down)
Use stone
F - Use stone (While winkle is lifting it)
W - Go to lion (Jumps on lion's head)
F - Use stone (Winkle launched on giant's shoulder)
W - Use hole (Winkle appears near head)
F - Go to lion (Fingus jumps on lion's head)
W - Use head (Winkle throws head down, hits lion, which
launches Fingus onto levitating rock)
F - Use !!! (On the rock. It lowers)
W - Use rock (When it is all the way lowered)
Use rock (On the ledge with the birds. Forms bridge)
F - Use rock (When Winkle is a bridge. Walks over to cage)
Use file on cage (Frees the birds)
Get key
Go to Village

Scene 33 - Village
F - Use key on door
Go through door


Scene 34 - Tazaar
W - Get pencil (Above the black board)
F - Use fountain watero on Buffoon (Demon steals Buffoon. Fingus gets mug)
W - Use pencil on blackboard (Tazaar throws sponge at Winkle)
Get sponge
F - Use pencil on portrait (Tazaar throws a boomerang at Fingus)
W - Use armchair (Winkle bouces up and grabs boomerang)
Use mug on Tazaar (Causes toothpick to fall)
F - Use boomerang on toothpick (Hit the toothpick)
Get toothpick
W - Use toothpick on skeleton (Reveils potion, which falls and shatters)
Use sponge on puddle
Use pipe (Winkle blows smoke)
F - Use wet sponge on pipe (A door opens)
Use door
W - Use door

Scene 35 - Kingdom of Gloom and Doom
F - Go to eye (In the lower right, peeking out of pond)
W - Go to !!! (Above the large rock. Launches Fingus)
F - Get mouse
W - Use mouse on mud (Crocodille appears)
Use crocodille (Winkle jumps on croc, launched up)
Use boomerrang on teeth (Hits teeth, which falls impailing hand of
bad dude. Buffoon falls down)
Use !!! (The eye knocks out the other demon. Buffoon
is now out of the clutches of head demon)
Use wet sponge on rock (It sits at the top of the rock now.)
B - Go to eye
W - Use !!! (Buffoon is launched, lands on sponge)
F - Use pencil on rock (Draws an exit)
W - Use handle (Opens exit and everyone leaves)