Duke Nukem 3D

Submitted by: Ben 'Dopefish' Slinger (ianjs@melb.alexia.net.au)

This is an awesome game! Everybody MUST play it. Anyway,
to the cheats......

dncornholio :toggle god mode
dnstuff :give weapons/ammo
dnscotty## :warps to level ## (Game Level ie 12 Game 1 Level 2)
dnitems :give items/keys
dncashman :spew cash when space bar pressed
dnview :behind duke view
dnrate :frame rate
dnskill# :changes skill level to #
dnbeta :pirates suck message
dnhyper :steroids?
dncosmo :register cosmo message
dnkroz :god mode toggle

Ben 'Dopefish' Slinger

Submitted by: Joe Siegler (apogee@metronet.com)

Official Duke Nukem 3D v1.1 Cheat Code List
by Joe Siegler (apogee@metronet.com) of 3D Realms Entertainment ==============================================================================

Here is a complete list of all Duke Nukem 3D Cheat Codes from 3D Realms. To activate these, you need to be playing the game. These aren't to be used from a menu, or a command line.

Cheat Code   What it does/gives you
----------   ----------------------

Section I: Useful Cheats (These affect Gameplay) ------------------------------------------------
DNCORNHOLIO  God Mode (And Unlimited Jetpack).
DNKROZ       Same as Cornholio, just quicker to type.
DNVIEW       Same as the F7 key in the game.
DNHYPER      Puts you in Steroids Mode.
DNITEMS      Gives all keys.
DNSTUFF      Gives all weapons, keys, inventory items.
DNSCOTTYxy   Level Warp. x is the Episode Number, y is the level Number.
DNSKILLx     Changes the difficulty mode to x. (x can be 0 to 3)

Warning: Being in God Mode can crash the game at certain points, depending on what you are doing. Being in God mode when you are squashed by rotating gears is one example.

Section II: Cute Cheats (They do something, but don't affect the game) ----------------------------------------------------------------------
DNCASHMAN    Spews money everywhere when you press space.
DNBETA       Prints the message "Pirates Suck!"
DNALLEN      Prints the message "Buy Major Stryker"
DNCOSMO      Prints the message "Register Cosmo Today!"
DNRATE       Shows your frame rate onscreen. You must be in full screen mode for this to be              anywhere near accurate.

Section III: Useless Cheats (These don't actually do anything) --------------------------------------------------------------
DNMONSTERS   Does Nothing.
DNXXXXXX     Does Nothing.

Submitted by: Robert Pulsifer (Fishingweight@worldnet.att.net)

The above code <DNmonsters> for DukeNukem3D does do something. It removes all monsters from level untill it is typed again. Works great if you want to scope out a level or place traps for the monsters.

Submitted by: NetRanger ()

Dukematch Game Strategies

-its a good idea to always use your run button, get used to it ! You can travel more ground faster.

-try this when your opponent and you are fighting and your both armed with rpg's. Never stay in one spot any longer than you have to. Fire off a few rounds and move (lateral) a ways off. Then fire off a few more rounds and move again.

-go to an open area. Hold down your run key,your forward key and your left (or right) key. You will travel in big circles (around your opponent) very fast. This tactic takes practice, but when mastered, gives you a huge advantage over your opponent. You'll take less hits and deliver more hits on your opponent. This tactic is also very effective when you are out gunned.

-The first two things you should do at the begining of a dukematch game is to turn on (hit the i key) your cross hair and turn on the (hit the w key) weapons display key. The cross hair is mandatory. Duke's eyes suffer from party damage and can use all the help you can give them. Selecting the weapons display mode gives you two advantages. one, when you meet up (or see) with your opponent, you see the weapon he is currently wielding above his head. Two, if he is ducking behind or in something (like a dumpster) you'll see the weapon floating above his position.

-everybody knows what duke looks like, and when your playing death- match you involuntarily fire when you see your opponent. Try crouching. Thats right,hit the z button and duke it out. You have a good chance that your opponent won't recognize you in a crouched position and when they don't, they will usually run in crazy circles looking for you or just run away and regroup. While there buging out, your filling thier ass with buckshot. Try it, it works.

-from your duke directory, type setup, then select "controler setup" and then select "setup keyboard". Scroll down to medkit and in the right column type in the key (i use" lctrl") that you use for your fire button, exit and save. So your in the middle of a fire fight, and your health drops below 100%. As your tapping your fire button, your health keeps coming back to 100%. Of course you have to have a med kit in your inventory for this to work. Its a great advantage having an extra 100% health in reserve and i can't think of any other single tactic thats more important than this one.

-you can jump over your opponent. If he's got your butt up against the wall and you want out...jump. Another variation of this, jump and in mid air execute a 180 degree turn (backspace key) and start popping away at him again.

-learn and use the 180 degree turn by hitting the backspace key. Its a lot faster than turning circles and it'll put you on target in less time.

-learn how to strafe while staying on target. Hold down your left or right arrow button and tap your alt button. Practice makes perfect !

-if your below 100% health you can drink water or use the facilities (bathroom) to bring your health back up to 100%.

-use the monitors to find your opponents. Be careful not to let your opponent catch you while viewing them.

-i have never tried it, but, i have been told by other players that you can stand on your opponents head. Good place to hide...i guess.

-fire extinguishers and yellow tanks create a lethal explosion when shot. If you can catch your opponent next to one...you know the rest.

-high spots (rooftops, ledges, etc.) Make the best sniper spots.

-if you have to travel through lava without boots, keep jumping. you'll take less than half the damage and cover the same distance.

-after you've shrunk your opponent and your trying to smash the little bugger,crouch down. When your in the crouch (z key) position you take up more space and it makes it easy to squish him. If he's crouching down in a hole and your having trouble smashing him, just stand over him. When he starts to grow back to size, he'll die, as no two players can occupy the same space.

-of course everyone knows that when your shrunk you can regain your size by taking steroids and after reading this, i know that you are playing with the weapons display mode on. So when you see your opponent is armed with a shrinker, select steroids and take his ass out.

-one tactic that a friend (h20) uses when shrunk is to run in circles. It makes it more difficult to kill him. I face my opponent and run backwards and just before he reaches me i turn 90 degrees left or right and repeat it again and again untill i grow back to size. another good way to survive is to select your jetpack and fly away. but of course the best way is to have your steroids ready.

-one of your best weapons in dukematch are your ears. Listen and take notice to what you hear in the game. Doors opening and closing, the sound of duke when he lands on the ground from a jump, treading water, breathing underwater, running through lava, jetpacking, crawling through vents,etc. If you hear him, he's close and the louder the sounds, the closer he is. Don't ignore sounds, use them to your advantage by finding him before he finds you.

-before jumping off a ledge or out a window,crouch down and stand up after you have landed. If its not to high, you won't make any noise when you land.

-close all doors after going through them. This way you can hear your opponent if he's coming from behind by the sound of the door opening.

-it is possible to kick with both feet if you switch to the foot weapon and hold the fire key and the foot key at the same time. Try this on steroids for double the kicking power. While we are on the subject of the mighty foot, don't waste your ammo and/or make unnecessary noise. Kick to break trash cans, glass, etc.

-if your on a top floor with an elevator , allways keep the elevator up. This way if your opponent comes up he has to lower it first and then ride up. This gives you twice the amount of time to prepare.

-no two players can occupy the same space, it just isn't possible. If you run through a teleporter right behind your opponent you will kill him instantly.

-teleporters that are not against the wall provide good cover. Your opponents shots will go through the teleporter.

-if your in a large area with lots of objects (desks,dumpsters,cars) use them to your advantage. Fire off a few rounds and duck behind them. move to your left or right and pop up again and blast your opponent.

-if your going to hide, make sure your away from a camera so your opponent can't spot you. You can almost always find a good blind spot in any area.

-the best defense is a good offense. The best way to play is to move and to be aggressive. You'll find more power up's, learn the map faster and have a better than even chance of finding your opponent before he finds you. The only exception to this would be on very small maps and/or when your setting up an ambush.

-the best defense is a good offense, we just covered it. However, don't play recklessley. Don't ignore sounds and don't just run through the map like a deaf, dumb and blind man. Use your head...think, have a game plan. If you play differant opponents you may have to fight one in a differant manner than the other depending on how they play.

-rpg's will home in on your opponent provided they are fired in the general direction of your opponent's position. If your at ground level and your opponent is visible in a second story window, don't waste your time aiming. If your pointing at his general direction, just fire, and the rpg rounds will find thier target.

-lets briefly cover duke's night goggles. Unlike doom, duke's night vision goggles aren't that efficeint. They do however have two very important advantages. One, they allow you to spot your opponent easier from great distances. Two, when wearing these goggles, you can tell the difference between a real duke and a hollow duke. A hollow duke will look like,well,a hollow duke. the real duke will have many,many color deviations. Try it and you'll notice the difference.

-never underestimate the power of the pistol. Its hard to believe that someone (duke) that can't see for shit can hit his opponents from such a great distance. It only takes a few (2 or 3) clips to bring down even an over healthy opponent and like the rpg, all you have to do is aim in the general direction. This also applies to the shotgun and the chaingun.

-lets discuss duke's shotgun. I'am a former marine and during my 4 years, my weapon of choice (for close encounters) was the ithaca model 37 shotgun. When it comes down to head to head combat, nothing works better.

-when you go head to head with your opponent, kick while you shoot. your opponents health will drain faster and it just might make a difference.

-after killing an opponent, we have all seen that macro flash across our screen that reads "so and so killed by so and so". Get into setup and make yourself a macro that you can send your opponent to fake your death. So your stuck in a room with no weapons and your duke opponent is pounding you with his rpg. Flash that macro across his screen and he will most likely stop firing. Hopefully, he'll run off and you can slip away unharmed.

-duke's chaingun is a good all around weapon for close in fighting or at a distance. Just keep the cross hair on his butt and keep firing.

-The rpg seems to be everyone's weapon of choice. The only time you should not wield this weapon would be for close encounters with your opponent. When you meet up with your opponent, and you don't have a decent weapon, cover, or a fast way out and you know your ass is toast, try this. Run at him as fast as you can (while firing your pistol) and stick as close as you can. They know that if they fire, they will kill the both of you, and this is'nt a good strategie. In a hall- way, a good player will start moving backwards, and if you chase them, this should give you a few seconds before they regain thier senses and switch weapons. This should give you a fighting chance to escape if you do it right.

-the rpg is handy for firing through teleporters and into water to check for trip mines. They are also quite effective when your opponent is ducking behind an object. Just fire a few rounds at an object behind (wall) him and the blast will take him out.

-if your opponent has an rpg and you don't ,try using this tactic. run a short distance then jump,when you hit the ground,change directions. Repeat this over and over again until you get away or until your opponent runs out of ammo. The rpg homes in on you, and when your changing directions often, it makes it very difficult to be hit. Try it...it works.

-the pipe bomb is the only weapon (except the mighty foot) that does not make any noise when selected. It does however make a clinking noise when thrown. To place pipes without this noise, crouch down and throw your pipe.

-if your out gunned and your being chased, try dropping pipes as you run and detonate them a few seconds after being dropped. Theres a good chance your opponent will feel thier blast as he chases you.

-when your fighting head to head with your opponent, crouch down and keep firing. He'll still receive damage and his shots will go over your head. This only works when your face to face as duke's weapons automatically adjust to strike your opponent from a distence.

-trip mines are one of the cooler weapons in duke. One trip mine does'nt always kill. Always try and lay mines in pairs, one on each side, if possible, to blast your opponent from both sides. Trip mines are more effective when used in conjunction with pipe bombs. Make sure the pipe is placed on the side of the trap so your opponent does'nt pick up the pipe bomb before tripping the mine.

-place a few trip mines in a dumpster. Always run them lengthwise and set one on each side. Jump out immediately after placing your second mine and through in a pipe bomb.

-find a trash can thats a few feet from a wall or a flat object such as a wooden crate. With your back to the trash can, place a trip mine on the object so the beam hits the can. Then lay a pipe bomb between the trash can and the surface that you mounted the trip mine on. When your opponent kicks the can he sets off the mine and pipe bomb.

-find yourself an angled (30-35%) walkway. Crouch down and lay a trip mine. Move off a few feet and do the same on the other side. Turn back and check it out. When mines are layed on an angled surface, the trip mine box and the beam are invisible. Its best to lay your mines close and in pairs. It would also be a good idea to booby trap the bottom and the top of the walkway. This way you can remember where they are and jump over them if you have to travel the area again. You never want to lay a long succession of mines because your opponent will only take damage from the first few mines, which is why we lay mines in multiple pairs and in different locations. This also works in angled vent shafts.

-find a door that opens from the bottom up. Crouching and facing the track that the door slides in, place a mine, then close the door. the mine does not detonate when the door closes. It will however cut your oppponent's legs off when he runs through it.

-next time your crawlng through the vents and you find one of those drop offs, stop immediately after landing. Turn to your left or right and place a trip mine. Crawl off a few feet and lay a pipe bomb under it.

-small water holes or shafts that you must travel (or fall) through are good places to lay mines.

-Next time you use a teleporter stop immediately after arriving in the next position that the teleporter takes you to. Turn to your left or right and place a trip mine, then crouch down and place one low and move off. Or, you can place one at the high points. This will enable you to still use the teleporters by entering and exiting them in the crouched position. If your going to use only the high trips, try and remember to lay a few pipe bombs near the area to make the trap more lethal.

-when a trip mine is activated, the blast comes from the mine box. If your opponent lays mines where the trip beams cover very large distances you can run through the beams (providing your not to close to the trip boxes) and you'll receive zero damage.

-when falling from great hieghts without a jetpack, you can stop your fall by setting a trip mine. Of course after setting the mine your fall begins again. If you can look down and try and set a mine just before you hit the ground, you will prevent yourself from dying.

-when you crawl out of a vent that is close (low) to the floor stand up and stop. Turn 90 degrees (left or right) and proceed to the wall and place a trip mine in the high (standing) position. lay a few pipe bombs to the left and right of the vent. When your opponent exits that vent and stands up...splat!

-when you crawl out of a high vent, drop to the floor and stop. turn 90 degrees (left or right) and place a trip mine in the low (crouching) position. Place a few pipe bombs to the left and right of the vent.

-Try sending a hollow duke up on an elevator to see if your opponent is waiting for you. Better yet, load up the elevator with pipe bombs and a hollow duke. If you hear gunfire, detonate the pipes.

-pipe bombs left around an entrance or in a room make for good traps. you can even detonate them from a distence by using a monitor.

-if your opponent is chasing you, run around a corner (or in a room) and activate your hollow duke. Then move a short distance away from the hollow, face the direction your opponent is coming from and freeze. When he enters the area he see's two dukes. He has a 50/50 chance of firing at the real you.

-i always use my hollow duke. I try and leave them in open areas. when i hear gunfire, i know exactly where my opponent is.

-if you walk up to an open window and activate your hollow duke, he drops out of the window to the ground. You can also walk up to the edge of a body of water and drop your hollow in to see if your opponent is in the water.

-wielding a shrinker, shoot your reflection in a mirror. You end up shrinking yourself.

-find yourself an elevator and ride up to the top floor. Now send it it back down without you. On the opposite wall, set a trip mine in the standing position so the beam hits the elevator shaft. Now lay a string of pipes from the mine box to the shaft. The mine (and pipes) will not detonate until the elevator reaches the top,i.e., when the beam gets longer, the trip mine explodes and walks an explosion up to the elevator.

-people tend to not look when they travel straight up or down. another good place to place mines are in empty elevator shafts like the one in l.a. rumble. Jetpack in about halfway and place several mines so there is no way to go up or down without triping the mines.

-when your in the air (jetpacking) and your shooting at a moving opponent, use your pistol, chaingun or shotgun. All those other bad ass weapons (rpg,shrinker,etc) are almost useless when your opponent is on the ground running and your in the air.

-if your both in the air (jetpacking) and your duking it out with rpg's,shoot a few rounds off and move a short distance to your left or right, and fire off a few more rounds. If you see an rpg coming straight at you, turn off your jetpack for a few seconds and you'll lose altitude very quickly. The rpg will travel over you.

-always...always...always keep your health at 200%. If i just finished fighting and i'am low on health and ammo, i will always run for the health (and armor) before the ammo.

-the freeze gun is the only weapon that shoots around corners by bouncing the ice projectiles off of other objects. You'll know when your opponent is froze by the sound (aahhh) that they make. when you hear this, run in and bust em up.

-Anytime you need to do something that you don't want your opponent to hear,such as opening a door,use one of the remote ridicules. I like the...aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!...the best. Theres a good chance he may not hear you opening that door or riding up that elevator.

-don't get caught sending messages. When you hit that "t" button to type a message, all of your controls are inoperative. Want to really piss your opponent off? When you see him (but he does'nt see you) start sending him messages that require him to answer you back. when he's stopped and you know he's typing you a message, come up on him and toast his ass. Of course, i would never do this to anyone...

-you can explode one of your opponents traps by shooting an rpg round into the center of it or by tossing one of your pipe bombs on it and blowing it up.

-most people feel pretty safe in a vent as long as they don't hear another duke crawling around. You can eliminate the crawling noise by turning on your jetpack. He'll hear your jetpack and think your outside.

-crawl spaces make for super sniper spots. They work best in small levels,otherwise, you might wait forever until your opponent comes along.

-always play the game with your sound (sfx) effects on. Never play dukematch with your music on. Playing your music to loud will mask your opponents sounds and that gives him an advantage over you.

-Find one of those self closing cupboards that almost always have a health power up in them. Open it up, jump in, and let the door close. Armed with a tripmine, face the door and back up as far as you can go. Open the door, execute a 180 degree turn, set your tripmine, and back out of there real fast. If you do it correctly the mine will not set until the door is closed. Now lay a pipe bomb on each side of the small door. If your opponent picks up the pipe bombs first and then opens the door, he'll lose about 5% of his health from the blast. If however he does'nt see the pipe bombs and opens the door...good night sweet prince.

-find yourself a body 0f water and jump in. Go down a few feet and lay trip mines every few feet around the edges. This works best on bodys of water that are pool size. On larger bodys of water, try and figure out which direction your opponent would enter the water when he approaches. A straight line from the entrance would be the best place to set a half dozen mines.

-when your kicking your opponent's butt, always let him know. Use your remote ridicule taunts (i like the "you suck" the best) and/or send him your own customized message every time you waste him. i like typing the word "bummer" everytime i kill my opponent. anything you can do to throw there game off is worth it.

-if your in a large open area and your opponent is snipe'n at you and you don't know where he's at, try this. Wield your devastater, stand up and fire while turning in a complete circle. If he's above ground level, one of your rockets will travel high in his direction. If he's low, you'll hear him take a frag and you can sweep the area again only slower so you can pin point his position. If you don't have a devastater, use the chain gun.

-jump into a high vent and stop. Turn to your side and set a mine. Crawl off a few feet a toss a pipe bomb next to it. Theres a good chance your opponent won't see the beam and when he jumps into the vent...splat.

-When your opponent is under water, look for and fire at his trail of bubbles.

-after you've been killed you might want to wait a few seconds before respawning. You might get to see where your opponent is headed.

-when outside, duke has a shadow. Hollow dukes don't have shadows.

-when fighting from the crouched position and you have an rpg round headed your way, jump up to your left or right just before it hits. You will take some damage from the blast, but, if your health is'nt to low you should survive. When fighting from a standing position and you have an rpg headed your way, try this. Crouch down for a brief second, then jump up to your left or right. When you crouch, that rpg round will change its trajectory to a slightly downward course. this tactic takes a lot of practice and requires split second timing. a good player will seldom get caught in a situation like this because they will always be on the move and/or using an object for cover.

-if your good and you know your going to score more kills than your opponent try this tactic. Booby trap the respawn spots with tripmines and pipe bombs.

-always open doors from a distance just in case there's a trap set. The same applies for lowering and/or riding up or down on elevators. always stand in the back of the elevator and be ready to fight.

-your duking it out with your opponent and he's hiding behind an object, try this. Jump up in the air and fire at your highest point. You should be able to see thier head when you jump up and what you can see, you can hit.

-Align yourself with a wall so your shoulder (left or right) is touching it and your looking straight down its length. Turn twords the wall slightly, less than 1/8 of a turn, about 20 degrees. now, throw a pipe bomb, it goes right through the wall into the next room. Of course there has to be an area beyond the wall as you can't throw a pipe bomb out of the map. I use this often on my opponents. I try and detonate before it (i throw it high or from the crouching position) hits the ground so my opponent does'nt know what hit them. When they ask you "how the hell did you do that?" I just send them the message..."skill".

-to see where your opponent is during the game, when getting into setup, type, "setup /r". During the game press the "k" button to see whee your opponent is.

-if your setting up the (master) game, go to options and select "record demo". This must be done before the game starts. During the game press the "k" button and you will see through your opponents eyes. this is'nt a game tactic, its cheating, but, it gives you one hell of an advantage over your opponent.

-using steroids while fighting in open areas, gives you the edge. Two dukes with the same weapons, going head to head, is nothing more than a test to see who has the most health. Move off quickly and get back on target and start firing again. When he targets you again and starts to return fire, move off again. Also, going into battle with your steroids selected makes his shrinker useless.

-when it came to death matches, i used to be a pathetic little cringeing milksop!! I even had the name "coward" (which i named myself) because i used to hide all the time and/or i was always laying ambushes. However, this always allowed my opponent(s) to power up and learn the map faster and as a result, i always took a severe beating. If you apply my tactics to your game, i guarantee you, your game will improve...big time!!!

-never show this guide to your opponents :)

Submitted by: Eric Yu (ericyu@pcnet.co.nz)

Type dnclip to enable no clipping mode(Warning! This does not work like
doom2, do not try
to walk through thick walls, you'll get killed, only suitable for doors!).