X-COM Apocalypse

Submitted by: NetRanger ()

Not Verified !!!

Activating cheat mode for X-COM Apocalypse Cityscape

Hold down ALT and type "UFO CHEAT" from the main interface, if you mistype it or it doesn't work, hold down ALT and press any key other than "U", then try again. You will get visual confirmation that the cheat mode has been activated on the message bar.

Cheat codes for X-COM Apocalypse Cityscape

Cheat codes only available in the "DEBUG" version

Activating cheat mode for X-COM Apocalypse Tactical

Hold down ALT and type "TAC CHEAT" if you mistype it or it doesn't work, hold down ALT and press any key other than "T", then try again. You will get visual confirmation that the cheat mode has been activated on the message bar.

Cheat codes for X-COM Apocalypse Tactical

Cheat codes only available in the "DEBUG" version